Tomas Bassini EVS Volunteer In Çanakkale

Tomas Bassini EVS Volunteer In Çanakkale


Hi! My name is Tomas Bassini. I was born on 10/08/1985 in Italy. I participated as a volunteer in Koza Youth Association’s Volunteer+ project in Çanakkale from 17/11/2014 to 17/11/2015.

In this project my role was taking an active part in all organization’s activities and in the same time taking initiatives and responsibilities for activities (es. Roma children summer school, Italian language workshop, project with people with disabled people) with the help of the organization’s team, taking active part in the implementation and preparation of the seminars and workshops prepared by Canakkale Koza Youth Association. And also I took part in the presentation meetings about Erasmus+ Programme and Eurodesk.

During the project, I learned many things that continue to be useful even now, in my private life and in my current job. Especially live for more than one year in a foreign country has brought me in touch with a lot of people from different nations, with different religious, political and cultural origins; and it gave to me the opportunity to learn how to share my culture and my personal ideas.
Having to create and manage autonomously some activities I focused on my objectives and abilities that I wanted to improve. I could program my learning process, reflect personally on it and evaluate myself. It was very important trying to keep an attitude of curiosity and continuous openness to all external information, maturing day by day and assimilating useful knowledge by various aspects of the activities, unforeseen events and the obstacles that occurred.

Finally, I suggest the new volunteers not to be afraid.
Be brave and enjoy it!