Luc-Olivier VANMARCKE EVS Volunteer In Çanakkale

Luc-Olivier VANMARCKE EVS Volunteer In Çanakkale

Hi! I’m Luc-Olivier VANMARCKE from France. I had an EVS project in Çanakkale Koza Youth Association between 1 of February 2016-30 July 2016.
My tasks were giving French lessons, participating in the pool course for disabled people, making activities for Roma children and helping in the daily life of Koza youth association with my smile, positive attitude, and my fun! 🙂
For me, this EVS was a great experience in my life! I met a lot of people, I had a chance to discover a new culture and a new country. KOZA is like a big family to me! Everybody takes care of each other. It has allowed me to gain confidence in myself.
Now I am a socio-cultural leader in France, I love my job and be in contact with different audiences. Thanks to my experience in Turkey, I grew up and became more mature.
My advice for a new volunteer is; live your moment! Be curious, taste everything and be positive!
A sentence that I heard many times from my coordinator: “enjoy, have fun! If you are happy, I am happy too!” This is Koza spirit.
Give all you can for KOZA and in return, you will receive more!