Léa TANT EVS Volunteer In Çanakkale

Léa TANT EVS Volunteer In Çanakkale

-Hi, I’m Léa from France. I had my EVS project in Çanakkale for 6 months. The project name was AIM Competences.

My tasks during the project were to taking part in the Koza’s activities, swim with disabled people, give French workshop and activities with Roman society children. My professional objectives were to discover a new way to work, teach my mother tongue to other people and work as a team. My personal objectives were to discover the new country, new languages, new culture, make friendship with local people.

All my experience during my EVS affects my life deeply. Before Turkey I was shy, but now I can meet people and speak with them easily. I learned how to work as a team and I use this in my work.

I want to suggest to new volunteers; go to Canakkale to do the EVS. Koza is the best association, people are so kind, it was the best experience of all my life.