Volunteer profile
• 17 -30 years old
• Interest for migration and intercultural education
• volunteers who are dynamic, creative, sociable, willing to spend time with needy
persons and patient in working with them
• people who have a strong motivation to develop intercultural and mediation skills
inclination to leave in a multicultural environment

Period of activities
01/04/19 – 31/07/19 (the mobility must last 129 days, excluding 2 travel days)

Tulime’s office (Viale della Regione Siciliana 2156, Palermo), 3 primary schools in disadvantaged areas of Palermo, places of the events organized by Tulime
(4 volunteers: one from Egypt, one from Portugal, one from Turkey and one from Tunisia) – 



1. Workshop on education to differences
Realization of workshops that will involve 150 students from 3 primary schools in disadvantaged areas of the city of Palermo (Ballarò, Borgo Nuovo, Stazione-Oreto, Brancaccio, Zen, Noce)
The volunteers will use these methodologies: artistic expression, music, non-formal education, break-the-ice moments, guided comparison.

2. Meeting with the teachers.
Organization of meetings with teachers: there will be moments of exchange of good practices among the teachers from the 3 schools involved, for a number of 12 teachers. Methodology used:
distribution of information material, classroom exercises on critical incidents, video viewing, practical classroom experimentation, guided reflection, round table.

3. Meeting with families
Organization of meeting moment between 15 narrow nuclear families (30 individuals), chosen among the families of the pupils of the schools where the workshops are held. The methodology
will include break-the-ice- moments, organization of aperitifs and moments of sharing, round tables and moments in which the children will be involved.

4. Final event
A final event will be organized, it will be essential in order to disseminate the results obtained toward a broader population of users, as well as operators who deal with the theme of hospitality
as linguistic-cultural mediators, teachers of Italian for foreigners, managers of activities with foreign employees, managers of host communities.

Accommodation and food

The volunteers will be hosted in a house in the center of Palermo with other two volunteers involved in a different project (they’ll be six until July). The house is equipped with all basic
necessities and the rooms will be for one or two volunteers, the double rooms will host volunteers of the same sex and each volunteer will have his/her bed, desk and wardrobe. There is internet connection with wi-fi.

The volunteers will receive a pocket money to buy independently their food meeting in this way their food needs/intolerance

Language course
They will follow the Online Linguistic Support (OLS), an online language course to improve their competence. This is an official instrument the offers participants in Erasmus+ long-term mobility
activities (Key Action 1) the opportunity to assess their skills for Italian and english language. Tulime will do the best to let volunteers attend also an Italian course with frontal lessons.

Pocket money
In Italy
The volunteer will receive 5 € per day as established from European Solidarity Corps Programme. He/she will receive the correspondent monthly import at the beginning of the month. The
organization will provide a monthly bus ticket to cover the transfers into Palermo Daily work, day off per week, holidays The volunteers will work approximately with this time table: morning 8.00 – 14.00, from Monday to Friday. The timetable it can be different, depending on specific needs concerning the workshop with the school or the events organized by Tulime.

Every week together with their mentor it will be defined a weekly work plan. Generally the week end are free but if there will be the necessity to do some activities the volunteers will make up the
hours during the week. The participants at EVS project will have 12 working days free, during their 6 months of activities.

The participants will have a CIGNA insurance which covers all their needs for all the duration of their project.

Expected learning outcomes
The project aims at enhance the awareness about the importance to promote solidarity starting from the value of the differences in favour of a bigger social inclusion. The solidarity and the value
of the differences will be show in the long term thanks to the activities among the volunteers, the students, teachers and families involved in the project.


Tulime Onlus- Viale della Regione Siciliana 2156, PalermoThe association Tulime is an organization of volunteering employed since 2012 in activities of
international cooperation in Tanzania, Uganda and Nepal and in the implementation of  development interventions on the place. Tulime, that means “we cultivate” in Swahili language,
promote the culture of sharing and co-development, of the ecology, of hospitality and respect of  human rights with an approach oriented to the awareness and to improvement of the life quality.
Over the years, the Association has worked with national and international projects concerning  volunteering, the aware tourism, the disability, migration, Education to Development and Peace in
the schools. Tulime is sending, coordinating and hosting organization with projects of individual or international mobility. The association is also part of the territorial network of associations
working on promotion of activities in the schools, migration, education to the differences and support to vulnerable subjects.

Tulime involves young people in training and educational projects both in Italy and abroad, where they experience a range of educational and cultural activities. In the past years Tulime promoted many interventions in the schools (Project Schools) starting from the national project EAS (education to development). In this way the association met the students, teachers, coordinators and it understood how many strong is the need of initiatives involved in creation of moments of reflection, dialogue among different cultures, education to the difference.

Project environment

Palermo is a city with 673735 inhabitants and since many years it hosts a community of migrants who decided to live in Italy. The minors of second generation are more than 7000 in the city and
they are compering themselves with a system totally different from that of their parents. They are aware of the place in which they live, but they don’t feel themselves integrated especially in the
peripheral areas of Palermo. These areas are more needed of interventions to promote equality and solidarity.