EVS Experience Of Cemre Bulut in Latvia

EVS Experience Of Cemre Bulut in Latvia

EVS Experience Of Cemre Bulut in Latvia
Project Number: 2017-2- LV02-KA105- 001703

EVS Experience Of Cemre Bulut in Latvia

“The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi¬ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”
Projekts „Kaleidoscope of culture” tika finansets ar Eiropas Komisijas “Erasmus+: Jaunatne darbiba”, kuru Latvija administre Jaunatnes starptautisko programmu agentura, atbalstu. Ši publikacija atspogulo vienigi autora uzskatus, un Komisijai nevar uzlikt atbildibu par taja ietvertas informacijas jebkuru iespejamo izlietojumu.

EVS Experience Of Cemre Bulut in Latvia

Here we are in Lithuania/ klaipeda. We did Latvian folk dance with Lithuanians. I learned that they have pretty similar history. We visited some museums and aquarium to see dolphins. We had had good time.

Culture shocks in Latvia

– They don’t kiss each other when they meet.
– They aren’t talkative as much as Turkish people.
– They don’t go out with pajamas. I did it once and they were looking at me like I am weirdo.
– They don’t have bad words in their language. In my language you can write poem with bad words but here there isn’t even single one bad word. Some of them are using Russian bad words for that.
-People are so calm in traffic and THEY GIVE WAY TO PEOPLE WHO IS TRYING TO ACROSS WAY. If you do that in Ankara , you may die with suffer.
– They are tall.

Seriously, that’s quite difficult to see shorter people then me. I have middle height for my country and Ifeel like hobbit when I am walking with them. The interesting part is the Latvıan women are wearing high heels. Just doesn’t make any sense they are tall and wearing high heels. Well I am little Turkish guy who is trying to walk with them.

– Food
They have interesting food taste. What I mean by that ? I learned that If someone says it’s traditional Latvian food I should stay away from that. I usually try some of pieces if they ask me ( I am still trying to find something interesting to eat)
Difficult to find many stuff in Balvi. If I find some of them but there is another problem. EXPENSIVE prices. ( Spicy, Beef , Yogurt etc )

– Celebrations
These people are celebrating everything. They have events for every special days. They wear well , smelling good and coming together.
They like to dancing, singing. I have seen a lot of people who can play piano. it’s like nothing for them they don’t find it special gift or ability. It’s totally super power to me.

EVS Experience Of Cemre Bulut in Latvia

EVS Experience Of Cemre Bulut in Latvia

On our way to Lithuania we visited blacksmith in smiltene. He showed some tricks. It was my first time to hit iron.

EVS Experience Of Cemre Bulut in Latvia

We prepared some food for way. I can say that They are eating pretty weird things ??
Thanks to Ralf for this Picture

EVS Experience Of Cemre Bulut in Latvia

They are celebrating something again.

EVS Experience Of Cemre Bulut in Latvia

I am mad at myself that I have never tried any folk dance before! This is best way to spend your time. I am kinda into this culture. Am i enjoying? Hell yeah!…
Before Lithuania we did dance with our Estonian guests.
P.s Estonians taller than Latvians

EVS Experience Of Cemre Bulut in Latvia

First time in my life I have seen hockey. It was amazing, I kinda like this.so pity that we Don t have this kinda sports. We have mountains and hills. They don’t have such a things.
I tried ski before , I am horrible at this but this day I noticed that I need to pay attention for ice skating. Who knows maybe some day I can try hockey.
Thanks to some of my friends who helped me and borrow their equipment.
Fun day

EVS Experience Of Cemre Bulut in Latvia

We prepared another Turkish event. This one needed more time for preparation. People were really interested with this one. I cooked some Turkish food and offered them. I am glad that I have this kinda opportunity which gives me chance to change some of stereotypes about my people.
It was quite nice. I am hoping to do this again.

EVS Experience Of Cemre Bulut in Latvia

Last year I celebrated new year in ukraine. Who knew that I would be in Latvia for this one.
I had good time with friends untill morning!
Best wishes for new year

EVS Experience Of Cemre Bulut in Latvia

My mentor and her father went to forest for cut this cute tree. They offered me one more tree for myself but I refused that I hope they didn’t offense.
This was interesting experience, I also learned that each Latvian family can cut one tree for legally.
İn my country it’s totally forbidden.
Nice day