EVS Experience Of Cemre Bulut in Latvia

EVS Experience Of Cemre Bulut in Latvia

Cemre Bulut was volunteer in EVS project „Kaleidoscope of culture”. The Project was implemented in Latvian city Balvi. Cemre was doing his voluntary work in Balvu state gymnasium as a teacher assistant. In following text there are some of answers which Cemre answered about EVS project and staying in Latvia.

How everything was started in a some sentence, how you chose Latvia and this Project?
Everything started just by my online friend’s homework. It was around 2 am she asked me to make short video about my country and last day was tomorrow! Firstly I said no because I was looking horrible and I hate to make short videos. But after that I understood that I must help to my friend that I have never seen in alive.
I made short and horrible video and sent her. After day she made presentation and the thing what I don’t know about video – she showed my video to whole class by board. After that her geography teacher wanted to contact with me and asked if I wanna be Volunteer in Latvia. I felt really excited. I already had been Volunteer in Ukraine and I loved to be Volunteer at school in Latvia. I said yes.
After 1 year I started to my voluntary work in Latvia. After I met with other Volunteers I understood that it’s not that easy to get part in project. Everything was ready for me, I just signed visa documents and contract. I appreciate to everyone who helped me and invited me to lovely Balvi.

Than what was first expression about Latvia?
I searched about Latvia and the city where am I gonna work. I felt weird. Balvi is in middle of nowhere By internet. And weirdly I compared with my hometown. The nature and low population. That’s what I needed.

Good things what you want to say about your staying in Latvia, and what you learn when you was in EVS project, what surprise you about Latvia
I saw Latvian hospitality. I need to accept that It is more than my expectations. I met with amazing people. I tried a lot of things first time in my life. I learned Latvian folk dance , some basic language skills ,I learned how to be social in this kind of small towns.
Latvia amazed me by everything. That’s biggest decision what I made and I proud of myself.

What kind difficulties you have in your EVS time?
There was huge language barrier and Latvian people are quite shy. After 3 months they became more talkative. I had some of cultural shocks such as food but the interesting part is I am missing Latvian food a lot!

When you look back on your time in Latvia what you want to say!
Everything happened so fast. I had nice dream about Latvia. I want to say that I am missing each moment what I had there. One day I would like to go back.

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