ESC in Italy

ESC in Italy

Volunteers send CV and motivation letter (in English) to the sending organization The sending organization make a first pre-selection of the candidacies. The volunteers will have an interview on Skype with the hosting organization. The hosting and sending organization will choose together the volunteers

Volunteer profile : 18 -30 years old . Interest for discrimination, inclusion, multiculturalism, environment and nature protection.

Volunteers who are dynamic, creative, sociable, willing to spend time with children / people who have a strong motivation to develop intercultural and mediation skills / inclination to leave in a multicultural environment and being able to work in a team/ able to communicate in English.

Period of activities
01.05.2021 – 18.10.2021
(the mobility must last 170 days, excluding 2 travel days)

Volunteers will either work on multiculturalism or environmental protection activities held by Tulime onlus Association.

Tulime Onlus is an association focused on international cooperation; Tulime has been committed for more than 11 years in the promotion of a culture of sharing and awareness, of ecology and respect of human rights, on the fight against all types of discriminations. Tulime operates in Uganda, Tanzania and Nepal. Since 3 years the association has been promoting various activities for youth people mobility learning projects, in cooperation with different Italian universities. At the same time Tulime gives hospitality to students or recent graduates in its headquarter in Palermo, also offering them the possibility to realize traineeships and thesis in those nations where the association actually works. Our association have applied for various Erasmus Plus projects, dealing especially with EVS with the following topics: sustainable environment, intercultural dialogue, migrations, awareness about the values of development, cooperation, young people active participation within the society, solidarity.

Accommodation and food
The volunteers will be hosted in a house with other volunteers involved in different projects (they’ll be six until July). The house is equipped with all basic necessities and the rooms will be for one or two volunteers, the double rooms will host volunteers of the same sex and each volunteer will have his/her bed, desk and wardrobe. Volunteers may share the rooms. There is internet connection with wi-fi. The volunteers will receive a pocket money to buy independently their food meeting in this way their food needs/intolerance
Language course
They will follow the Online Linguistic Support (OLS), an online language course to improve their competence. This is an official instrument the offers participants in Erasmus+ long-term mobility activities (Key Action 1) the opportunity to assess their skills for Italian and english language. Tulime will do the best to let volunteers attend also an Italian course with frontal lessons.
Pocket money
In Italy The volunteer will receive 5 € per day as established from European Solidarity Corps Programme. He/she will receive the correspondent monthly import at the beginning of the month.
Daily work, day off per week, holidays
The volunteers will work approximately with this time table: morning 8.00 – 14.00, from Monday to Friday. The timetable it can be different, depending on specific needs concerning the workshop with the school or the events organized by Tulime. Every week together with their mentor it will be defined a weekly work plan. Generally the week end are free but if there will be the necessity to do some activities the volunteers will make up the hours during the week. The participants at EVS project will have 12 working days free, during their 6 months of activities.
The participants will have a CIGNA insurance which covers all their needs for all the duration of their project.
Expected learning outcomes
The Project aims to put together the youth organizations which work on human rights, equality, tolerance and non discrimination between the units of community. New forms of discrimination have arisen, in association with certain scientific developments and the process of globalization. As a result of these new threats and the outbreak of violence we would like to put an emphasis on this issue and work with the disadvantaged groups; people with disabilities, immigrants, women, children and youngsters.


🔴For to apply, send your CV and Motivation Letter in English to Please write “ESC in Italy” as a subject.

🔴Deadline for application: 25.03.2021 23.59