“Asset Based Community and Youth Development” Training Courses Call For Trainer

“Asset Based Community and Youth Development” Training Courses Call For Trainer


Çanakkale Koza Gençlik Derneği is recruiting Armenia based trainer for “Asset Based Community and Youth Development” training course. “Asset Based Community and Youth Development” training course is implemented within the “Youth Intercultural Dialogue for Peace and Understanding” Project funded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

The international training course ” Asset Based Community and Youth Development” will take place from October 14th October 18th in Canakkale, Turkey and will involve 12 youth workers and youth leaders from Armenia and Turkey.

Aims & objectives:

The general aim of the training course is to empower youth workers and youth leaders working with young people in Armenia and Turkey, Introduce them to methods, resources, and leadership skills for developing and implementing community-based initiatives that increase civil society participation, as well as increase capacity building with local NGOs. Besides, the training course aims to provide participants with an understanding of volunteerism and community service in order to develop community based projects.

The objectives of the training course are:

To create a space for reflection on the meaning of intercultural dialogue, cultural diversity and intercultural learning.
To increase participants’ awareness on the power and potential of volunteering and leadership as a tool of youth work, community development and inclusion tool for youngsters with fewer opportunities.
To equip participants with specific knowledge and skills on how to establish volunteer management system in the organization: recruitment, motivation, writing job descriptions, defining roles and responsibilities, assistance, monitoring and evaluation of experiences, awarding and appreciation etc.
To promote partnership-building and networking between participants. – to build up competences of the participants in empowering others, specifically: – coaching, mentoring and feedback-learning and self‐assessment.
To equip participants with specific knowledge to develop project proposals using the ABCD methodology. Facilitate a process for developing 6 new joint projects.

Target group:

The training course is designed for youth leaders who:

– Represent youth organizations from Turkey and Armenia.

– Have work experience as a project coordinator or manager in a NGO working with young people

– Involved in management and planning processes within an NGO, a social initiative or a youth movement


The training course will be based on non-formal learning methods and principles, intercultural dialogue and communication including group discussions, interactive presentations, participant’s lead workshops, team work, etc . The workshops are aimed at providing the participants not only with some practical skills, but also with new tools and ideas which they can later use in their work with youth or while designing new youth and community projects.

Requested trainer profile

– Based in Turkey (international travels are not covered by the project)

– Conceptual and practical knowledge and training experience in working with non-formal educational approach in intercultural dialogue and learning,  empowerment, participation, community development and voluntary management topics; have been involved in delivering training for at least 4 years, and implementing a learning process in at least international and/or intercultural youth training activities.

– Competent to design a training program based on the principles and approaches of non-formal learning and self-directed learning/learning to learn;

– Have an experience of working with mixed and international groups, experience in training of groups

– Have am experience in working in an international team with international team of participants;

– Experience in the reconciliation/normalization issues and / or in the improvement of Armenian-Turkish relation is highly desirable

– Be motivated in contributing to the development and implementation of the Training Course according to the initial goals of the Training Course

– Be able to work in English language;

– Be available to be in Turkey from 14-18 October, and join at least 3 preliminary preparatory meetings online.

Application procedure

The proposal/application should include:

Training curriculum/ program with detailed timeline
Brief Motivation Letter
Price Quote
Application packages to be sent in electronic version to kozagenclikdernegi@hotmail.com by August 31st, Sunday, 2019. with Youth Intercultural Dialogue for Peace and Understanding in the subject line.